Tuesday, May 09, 2006

What Follows

Soon we became encumbered
by weight, but then it was never more
than another rule we wanted
to break. It was a windy day
when after struggling with balance
they launched their carefully-calculated
dream. They must have never felt so free.
The gate was ten feet tall why
ever did we evolve from monkeys then
again the body was a limit
that waited to be proven fake it was
the rigid schedule we could't take.
The exactness of beelines
to classes. The square ness of the rooms. Boxes
and boxes. We climbed over
the ten-foot line and launched
our lives, knowing only after,
the fall. Soon we became acquainted
with broken bones, this weight,

and how we obeyed,

we and the brothers Wright.
Even in flight.

...an old poem 'bout how we can't but live based on what we can't know. ambot.

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